Just visit my Dr Loh last evening which is about 31 weeks of my pregnancy. Giselle's baby brother is about 1.53kg now. He said my tummy looked abit big but baby is of normal weight. So nothing to worry about though everyone has been thinking that I am going to give birth soon. Dr Loh said alot of gases in my tummy... haha.
The good news is that didi's head is down now and his placenta has moved up, I can opt for natural birth this round :)
Giselle, thinking she would be excited to see her didi during the scan on the monitor, was busy playing with my iphone.... Haha, nevertheless, all these while I could sense her excitement about her baby brother and she would sing songs to her didi at night. Maybe it is because we told her if she sings and talk to didi more, he would recognise her immediately after birth :)
For me, I just have to continue to pray hard that everything will be smooth smooth....
Just for record purposes, didi weight was about 650g at week 23, 1.18kg at week 27 :)