Tonite my friends and I had a farewell party at Kbox Marina Square and I have to bring her along to the Karaoke lounge as Adrian had to attend to something last min.
Teresa has bought her a set of Hello Kitty markers and a Strawberry Shortcake bottle-holder as presents to keep her occupied. She opened the markers on at the lounge and she like them very much and ws happily holding on to them though she didn't like to be in the lounge.
When at home, she opened the other gift which contained the water bottle holder and she liked them so much that she told me she wanted to bring the holder for shopping.
Thank you Auntie Teresa for making her so happy!:) Some kisses from her:

1 comment:
Aunty Teresa is so happy that a small gift can make you so happy....
U are really a very loving and loveable child to mummy, daddy and everyone around you......
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