Friday, April 06, 2012

Jaren is a BIG BULLY!

At Jurong Safra

Maybe because Jaren thinks everyone loves him, he has the right to take charge and take advantage of his elder sis. Giselle, on the other hand, has been a really nice big sister who has lots of patience with Jaren and loves him very much.

Whenever we see Jaren bullies Giselle by being rude or hitting her, we would step in and explain Jaren what he did is not correct. We had also told Giselle to protect herself and said "No!" to his younger brother. 

Although almost everyone kept wondering why the big age gap between them but I see the positive of it. Giselle being a much older sister, knows how and try to take care of him like a nanny. Perhaps this is the virtue of Giselle's character since young. She really has a kind heart.  

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