Today has marked another chapter for Giselle. Well, it's the day that I have successfully registered my dear daughter into River Valley Primary School (RVSP)!
Well, preparations has been done since 2 years ago when I had registered with RVPS as a Parent Volunteer so that I am eligible to register Giselle in Phase 2B during the registration exercise as clocking at least 40hours of commitment.
My duties with the school didn't start till Jul'10 when I was asked to assist Teachers during excursions, CCAs, library duties and as well as General Office admin duties. Well, besides trying to be in the P2B, I thought this would be a great opportunity to find out more about the school and environment.
During my 3 months of duties there, I came to know quite a few staff there and even made strong rapport with them. I even met Ouyang Lao Shi was used to teach in my primary school (Keng Seng Pri Sch) about 28 years ago. It's the familiar faces, nice staff and environment there that has confirmed that my choice is right!
The Primary 1 registration exercise every year is a nerve-wrecking event that made most Parents go crazy. I kept telling myself I have done my best to ensure my kids and grandchildren are able to go to a proper school and the rest is up to fate. Whether if I could get a seat for Giselle would depends if there are enough seats left after considering the earlier phases and also the distance we stayed from the school.
Really happy that the whole exercise is over for me and as least I don't have to worry for Jaren when it's time for him to go Primary School!!! :) Yeah!!!
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