Giselle just had her 1st Swim Test today. The test is known as the Swimsafer's Test Level 2. I had put her on a one to one swim class with Coach Cui Yan and Giselle had made vast improvement on her swim skills and strokes with a few lessons.
For this test, she was tested on the following and she did well:
Entry and Exit
Perform a step-in entry
Scull and Body Orient
1)Demonstrate sculling in an upright position for 10s with arms only
2)Demonstrate the ability to change direction on command
Underwater Skills
1)Search for and recover an object in chest deep water depth.
2)Demonstrate a feet-first surface dive
Movement / Strokes
25m forward movement – Any stroke
Survival Skills
1)Swim wearing clothing for 15m
2)Demonstrate flotation survival technique for 1min
3)Correctly fit a PFD, jump into the water and swim for 5m and climb out of deep water
Rescue Skills
Water safety rules in various aquatic environment