Looks like who? Most people would say Jaren looks like his Daddy, same as Giselle when she was a newborn.
Jaren's jaundice level went up from 78 on day 5 to 139 on day 7. Then after I fed him formula milk for half a day, it dropped to 80 on Day 11. Phew! So at least I can confirm Jaren's jaundice is due to breast milk, just like Giselle when she was newborn too.
Jaren weight has increased to 4.2kg n is drinking about 100ml of breastmilk. I am letting him latch and drink from bottle as well. This round of breadfeeding hasn't been too smooth sailing but hope things will be better when my Medela Freestyle pump arrives.
Confinement so far for is just "hot"! That's because I really perspire ALOT! I have got rid of 8kb but still have about 6kg to go. Well, I didn't go on any diet and in fact I kept eating n eating.
My confinement lady is really a great help to me and I feel so fortunate that she is really good. She is taking care of Jaren and me really well and can cook very well too. This round I am going to do a proper confinement to build up my health.
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