Friday, September 07, 2007

Happenings at School for the Past Week...

Delcare wrote:

Dear Mummy & Daddy

This week had been a super quiet week. And most of my classmate did not come to school. However, the fun didn’t stop there! We did a lot of songs, rhymes and story this week. We even had lesson with Totsaurus! It was enjoyable to have them in our class. Like they say, the more the merrier!

Ms. Angela read us 2 stories this week. It was called “Not again, Anna!” and “Mrs. Wishy Washy”. “Not again, Anna!” was a story of Anna who yells and screams to get what she wants. Ms. Angela says that we could not do that. To get what we wanted, we must say “please” and “thank you” after we received it. When we get dirty, we had to clean ourselves up with tissue. Not with our hands. And if tissue didn’t do the trick, of course, then we washed our hands!

“Mrs. Wishy Washy” was a story of 3 farm animals, the cow, the pig and the duck. They saw mud one day and took turns to play in it. However, when Mrs. Wishy Washy saw the dirty animals, she was very upset and sent them all to the tub for a wash. “Wishy washy, wishy washy” The animals were all clean now. But when the animals left the tub, they headed back to the puddle of mud and played again. Oh no! I think Mrs. Wishy Washy was getting more upset this time round.

For math, we did puzzle play. This time, we were allowed to go around helping our friends. Some of our friends have some difficulty in solving the puzzles. I am glad I helped them.

For art, we did rubber stamping on a piece of paper, tea bag printing, play dough as well as making of Milo! The Milo tasted was delicious especially when we made it on our own.

Ms. Angela also taught us a new counting rhyme. It went like this,

6 Little Ducks that I once knew; fat ones, skinny ones, fair ones too.
But the one little duck with the feather on his back,
He led the others with a Quack, Quack, Quack. Quack, Quack, Quack--Quack, Quack, Quack.
He led the others with a Quack, Quack, Quack.

I could sing it pretty well. Would you like to sing with me too?

Looking forward to next week and hoping most of my friends would be back. I could not wait to experience the fun of having all my friends back!


语文:学习食物——糖,饼干,面包,麦片, MILO,各种茶,可乐,牛奶,水,酸奶,通过这些食物的学习,让幼儿知道哪些对身体有益,是健康的食物。

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