Saturday, August 18, 2007

Parents-Teachers Meeting @ Delcare

Today is the annual PTM at Delcare and we had the chance to have a proper meeting with Giselle's Chinese & English teachers to discuss about her development.
When Giselle saw us seated down with Ms Angela and Wang Lao Shi, she began to be very uncomfortable and was very frightened. She thought we are discussing on how naughty she is in class. When began to cry after a while and Wang Lao Shi quickly went to assure her that it is ok. I told Giselle that Ms Angela is telling us how good she is in class.

Basically a development scoresheet was done by Ms Angela and generally she considered above average in most of the development goals. Ms Angela told us that Giselle is cleverer than any other students in the class but of course, this is also one of the cause that she can be very cheeky in class. Besides this, her teacher told us that her logical thinking excellent and this is seen from the speed of doing puzzles correctly.

Overall, Giselle is less naughty than she is previously. Her teacher has tried to use another type of method to guide and this makes Giselle more receptable to Ms Angela's instruction.

Just today I am telling Wang Lao Shi that I am worried about her Mandarin, Giselle proved me wrong tonite when she recited No.1-10 in Mandarin :)

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