Saturday, April 28, 2007

21 months 13 days

Giselle speech had improved alot over the past week! She could say things like ''Good morning ", "thank you, Mummy'', ''Mummy please'' easily.

She had a fall during her Gym class during school on 26 Apr and her teacher called me to inform me of this. I went over to pick her earlier that day after her nap time at 4pm. She was very surprised to see me, thinking whether she is in dreamland or not.

Noticed recently she is very sticky to me and Adrian again and always want to be carried. had also noticed that whenever she refused to do the things i told her, she would do it when i said I am very angry and will dislike her if she doesn't do it. Wang lao shi also notices this.

Her diahrrea had recover but don't why she is down with slight fever since this afternoon...

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