Friday, February 23, 2007

Self feeding...19months 8 days

She didn't sleep the very 1st day that I let her take her afternoon nap at Delcare. But she slept on the 2nd day onward. Yesterday she slept for 1.5 hours and today for 1 hour. Adrian and I went to pick her at 4.0pm and she was happily eating her snack. She didn't cry a bit when she saw us.

I am very happy to see that she has really adapt to childcare and is very happy there. Her teacher told me Giselle self feeding skill is much better and accurate than her classmate, Amanda, who has been there longer than Giselle.

Hence I had let Giselle self feed again for dinner and I must say her skills has improve alot since the day I started her at Delcare. She has also learnt many songs like:

1) Twinkle Twinkle Little stars
2) I love you, you love me
3) 2 little dicky birds
4) I am a little teapot
5) Shimmering dinky do
6) Humpty Dumpty

Adrian and I had wanted tp bring her to Esplanade for a walk tonight but it was crowded and we thought of parking the car at Millenia walk. Giselle and us enjoyed this evening very much as she was running around happily... I just let to see her happy face :)

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