Giselle attended a 4-day Dance Camp at DES and she had enjoyed herself thoroughly. The camp ran from 6 - 9 Dec, 10am-6pm.
Initially after the 1st day, she told me she didn't want to go to the Dance Camp on 2nd day morning. I had a hard time convincing her when she told me that she finds the hours to long. However, at the end of the 2nd day, she was so excited and told me she want to go the camp everyday!
Coincidentally, her previous childcare - Delcare, had sent some of the students to attend this camp as well. She met her old friends like Vivian, Vera etc.
During the camp, Giselle learnt many things like dance steps, culture etc. Meals were catered for and she told me the food was very yummy. At the end of the 4th day, parents were invited to the school to watch what our kids had learnt during their performances.