Sitting now in front of my pc trying to recall what are the wonderful things that came during this year.... well, my list is endless... :)
Well of course, the top of my list came the arrival of Jaren in March which is really the most ideally gift from God, besides having Giselle. Sometimes, I just looked back how I can cope handling the 2 of them on my own, then I thought the strength and determination comes from the love I have for them. It's never easy being a full time housewife, taking care of every aspect of the family. But I must also say a BIG thank you to my mum who would come over at times to help me out so that I can take a breather; also to Giselle who has been my little helper towards Jaren. She is like my little pair of extra hands and legs who will rush to grab a diaper when I am changing Jaren or to get tissues when I am feeding him... And of course another thank you to my hubby who helps me to manage both of them when I am busy with other chores :)
After being a mum, I realised how strong all Mummies are! I looked at how my mum cope when she has to do marketing, prepare meals and cook for the family and also do housework at my grandma house. When I asked her, how come you don't feel tired? She replied me in cantonese
"Says who?!?".. haha.
Just recently Giselle cried badly one of the nights as she has a nightmare. She was crying non-stop and kept looking for me. She told me: "I want Mummy!"... After she cool down, I asked her what happened and she thought hard and told me that she dreamt "Mummy went to Heaven..". Then she cried again and held me tightly... Aiyo, I wanted to cry with her too because I thought what would happen to both of them if I am really gone. Silly me and I know I shouldn't be thinking of such things. I told her she and Jaren are my most precious things in my life and I wouldn't bear to leave them behind. For the rest of the night, Giselle slept with me, holding me tightly... silly girl :)
Soon, Giselle will be entering primary 1 and to path the route for her, I volunteered myself in River Valley Primary school so that she could get some priority during the application stage. I had completed 41 hours within 2.5 months doing all sort of duties like admin, teacher assistants etc.
Nothing is more important than happiness and good health in the family, I hope every member of the family will have a blessed new year ahead!!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!