Just a blink of eyes and my little baby is 8 months old now. His growth has been tremendous! Sometimes I find really too fast for me to catch up....
He started crawling at when he was about 6.5months when he wasn't even ready to sit on his own then. Since then, I have to make sure my eyes are on him when he is happily crawling round the hall.
My current house hall to too small to put a play-yard and hence, I gave up the idea of fencing him. Boys being boys, he is so active, even when I am carrying him, he would wriggle, turn his head left to right etc. Oh, and now he is also drooling ALOT. Always leaving his traces of saliva, everywhere he goes... faintz!
Since he is so mobile now, I also have to make sure my house floor is free of dust and dirt (not 100% of course) most of the time.
Now he can play so well with his elder sister who also had alot of fun playing with him.