At first it was me who fell ill with stomach flu last Mon - Bad diarrhea, fever and chills. Felt terrible for 2 days. Then I was hit with migraine again on Fri - Vomitting and bad head pain at one side of the head.
A simple journal to record beautiful memories in my life…
Not sure is it because of how I trained him from 2 months onwards, Jaren always has been a contented baby. Most of the time, he follows the routine that I had set for him and plays on his own when I am busy. And the most heart melting thing is that when I go to him after I am done with my things, he would always greet me with a smile and sometimes a laugh to show that he is just so happy to see me.
I am really thankful that I am fortunate to be able to witness my kids’ growth and guide them the correct way to grow up and learn.
Jaren seldom gets cranky even when his diaper was soiled. But when he is hungry and I still have not attended to him within 5 mins, he will wail out loud. Haha, I guess most babies do that…Really naughty me.
Compare to Jaren now at 4.5months old to Giselle when she was the same age, they were a big difference. Giselle demanded attention most of the time and it was probably our fault that when she cries, we would attend to her immediately. That must have really pampered her too much.
Giselle and her little brother shares a deep affection in their relationship. When Giselle is within Jaren’s sight, his eyes will follow her movement. When Jaren and Giselle lie besides each other, Jaren will smile and giggled non-stop, with his saliva all drooping out like water rain droplets…..
As I am typing this post, my dear Jaren is trying to lift his bum up using his arms to legs to push it up. Seems like he is trying a new stunt now... haha